Jun 11

Written by: chris
6/11/2009  RssIcon

Manta at SeaWorld Orlando


The big new thrill ride in Orlando this summer is Manta at SeaWorld. As listeners to my radio shows know only too well, I’m a big kid when it comes to this kind of thing, so I was delighted when I was invited to come and experience Manta a week after its official opening. You spin, glide, skim and soar like a giant ray on this unique ride…and you do it all face down, as you are rotated 90 degrees to face the ground right at the start! The close encounters with a waterfall and the waters of the Manta Aquarium at 100 km/hr just add to the excitement. And that Aquarium is a wonderful twin to the ride, adding an educational element and solace for the little ones too young for the ride experience.

SeaWorld Shows


Whilst in SeaWorld I caught up with three of the fabulous shows featured in the park. ‘Believe’ in the Shamu Stadium (top) showcases mighty killer whales in an awesome spectacle. ‘Alure The Call of the Ocean’ in the Nautilus Theater (middle) mixes birds, acrobats and dolphins in a mesmerizing tour de force. And ‘Clyde and Seamore Take Pirate Island’ at the Sea Lion and Otter Stadium (bottom) is just plain good fun! It’s all an ingenious combination of entertainment and education for visitors of all ages.

Tags: Florida

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